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Centro de Aiki Vila Madalena


Aikido and Acupuncture


The Aiki Center

The Aiki Center is a space for body practices and integrative health services. Our intention in body training is to help people become more aware and integrated. We understand the practice partner as an ally on the journey of life and not as an opponent to be defeated. The Aiki Center offers an affectionate environment, through welcoming, thus contributing to the physical,  emotional, cognitive  development of each one, in a healthy and responsible way .

We provide our services in English. Please get in touch if this is you case

Aikido Centro de Aiki
Aulas semanais

Weekly Classes

Sensei Júlio Hoshiko

Julius Sensei

In Aikido classes with Júlio Hoshiko we seek physical, mental and spiritual improvement, according to the precepts given by founder Morihei Ueshiba.

Marcos Pinheiro

Sensei Marcos

Iaido classes with Marcos Pinheiro, a Japanese martial art that  connects with the practice of the sword (wooden, for beginners). Develops attention and focus.

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Professor Gaius

Kinomichi was created by Mestre Noro, disciple of the founder of Aikido, Mestre Ueshiba, bringing together the Japanese traditions of Aikido with aspects of body awareness and movement. Thus, an art emerges that combines aspects of martial arts with the beauty that is born from the search for harmony, good contact and smile. Brought to Brazil by Christiana Calvalcanti (guidance of practice groups in Brazil and South America), and Victor Labouret in 2004, this art has been gathering practitioners from all over the world and growing more and more in Brazil and neighboring countries.

marcos severo pinheiro, sensei de aikido, acupunturista, engenheiro de formação, estudante de fisioterapia, quiropraxia, osteopatia, método rolfing

Sensei Marcos

Aikido classes with Marcos Pinheiro, learn how to establish trust, learn  basic concepts of practice, in addition to techniques from Jo and Boken.

Sensei Marcos Pinheiro

Sensei Mark and Lucas

Aikido Kidsfrom 5 to 12 years.

Aikido for Children is a fun and beneficial practice that aims to develop agility and flexibility, as well as work on persistence, concentration and focus.

Danilo Cardoso

Professor Danilo

Wing Chun class, with Danilo Cardoso, practices the economy of movements, being a self-defense system in a simple and efficient way.

Sensei Igor Koga

Sensei Igor

Aikido classes with Igor Koga, in his daily practice of training and research based on basic and advanced techniques e . "We train to improve ourselves and have a healthy life."

Monica Sori

teacher Monica

Body Mind Movement class, develops practical studies on experiential anatomy, self-knowledge and well-being.

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Kinomichi com Marcos Pinheiro

Nas aulas de Kinomichi com Marcos Pinheiro, compreenda como você se move,  como você se relaciona consigo e com os outros. As aulas buscam o estudo do “ki” (energia). 

Acupuncture, physical therapy and herbal medicine
take care of your health fully


meet the Aiki Center partners
Kenage Aikido
Shoshin Aikido
Academia Wang
Associação Ipiranga


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opening hours

Monday to Friday: 8 am to 8 pm

Saturdays: 9 am to 12 pm

Sunday: closed

Rua Oscar Caravelas 308 - Vila Madalena, São Paulo/SP

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