The Aiki Center
The Aiki Center is a space for body practices and integrative health services. Our intention in body training is to help people become more aware and integrated. We understand the practice partner as an ally on the journey of life and not as an opponent to be defeated. The Aiki Center offers an affectionate environment, through welcoming, thus contributing to the physical, emotional, cognitive development of each one, in a healthy and responsible way .
We provide our services in English. Please get in touch if this is you case
Weekly Classes
Professor Gaius
Kinomichi was created by Mestre Noro, disciple of the founder of Aikido, Mestre Ueshiba, bringing together the Japanese traditions of Aikido with aspects of body awareness and movement. Thus, an art emerges that combines aspects of martial arts with the beauty that is born from the search for harmony, good contact and smile. Brought to Brazil by Christiana Calvalcanti (guidance of practice groups in Brazil and South America), and Victor Labouret in 2004, this art has been gathering practitioners from all over the world and growing more and more in Brazil and neighboring countries.
opening hours
Monday to Friday: 8 am to 8 pm
Saturdays: 9 am to 12 pm
Sunday: closed
Rua Oscar Caravelas 308 - Vila Madalena, São Paulo/SP