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Learn about the Aiki Center's weekly classes and the specifics of each practice.

Iaido Vila Madalena


“Keep your mind ever enlightened and clear like the wide sky, like the great ocean and the highest peak, empty of all thought. Always keep your body full of light and warmth. Fill yourself with the power of wisdom and enlightenment."  Morihei Ueshiba.

Aikido is a Japanese martial art developed by Morihei Ueshiba in a synthesis of studies of diverse martial arts, philosophy and religious beliefs. Aikido is translated into Portuguese as “The Way of Union with the Energy of Life” or as “The Way of Harmony of Spirit”. The creator's intention was a martial art that practitioners could defend themselves while protecting the attacker from any harm. In my view, this is the highest degree of forgiveness for any attack, as there are no feelings of anger or revenge included. It is inserted in the search for the inner peace of the individual, only acquired through peace with others, when in a social life. The intention is to bring more joy to everyone. In Aikido, one takes advantage of the attacker's movement and redirects his force, instead of directly opposing it. This is done with minimal use of energy by the person applying the technique.

aikido for children

Aikido for Children is a fun and beneficial practice that aims to develop agility and flexibility, in addition to working on persistence, concentration and focus - qualities that are so necessary, nowadays, in the development of children and adolescents.  A Practice in pairs makes students grow in self-esteem, sociability and generosity, as they start to collaborate with colleagues who have less experience. Sharing their experiences, they become propagators of harmony. 


Iaido, is a Japanese martial art that  connects with the practice of the sword. Practice develops in the process of studying the movements of drawing the sword from its scabbard (or saya), studying the movements of striking and cutting the air,  and returning to the starting point with the sword in the sheath. In classes, bokens or wooden swords are used, with advancement in practice and mastery of movements, one can try the blunt metal sword  (blunt-edged sword, called iaitô).


Kinomichi is the combination of the Japanese aikido tradition with Western notions of movement awareness and lightness, unites the structure and energy of the martial art tradition, the complicity and harmony of dance, the bodily respect of anti-gymnastics and Japanese spirituality. The Kinomichi was created by MestreMasamichi Noro in Paris, France in 1979. Noro was disciple of the founder of Aikido, Master Ueshiba, bringing together the Japanese traditions of Aikido with aspects of body awareness and movement.As a designated representative for Europe and Africa, he landed in Marseille on September 3, 1961, preceding Masters Nakazono and Tamura. Mestre Noro was a student of Doctor Ehrenfried and was greatly influenced by Gerda Alexender (Master of eutonia). In 1979, going further in his research, he created Kinomichi 18 years later and perpetuates his master's teaching in a renewed form. Thus, an art emerges that combines aspects of martial arts with the beauty that is born from the search for harmony, good contact and smile. Brought to Brazil by Christiana Calvalcanti (guidance of practice groups in Brazil and South America), and Victor Labouret in 2004, this art has been gathering practitioners from all over the world and growing more and more in Brazil and neighboring countries.

Wing Chun

Wing Chun (Ving Tsun or Wing Tsun) is a fighting system that emerged in southern China. Wing Chun is a traditional non-sports self-defense martial art that develops practical self-defense skills and abilities. Here are some topics that will be covered in the course:  Body confrontation “Integrative Wing Chun 360”: broad approach self-defense techniques;  Tactical positioning; Protocol of conduct in the face of a situation involving an aggressive person;  Mental alert; Personal space; Human conflicts;  De-escalation and self-defense;  Instrumentalized aggression;  Protective Fencing.

Body Mind Movement

The Body Mind Movement is a method of Somatic Education that suggests a path of personal transformation through experiential anatomy, touch and movement. The method can be used to promote general well-being, for personal development, to support creative processes, to integrate psychophysical processes and to treat specific physical or emotional discomforts, even to increase self-awareness. The meetings aim to offer ways of self-care, comfort and transformation to promote well-being through the study of the body in motion. In search of personal development, each meeting will offer psychophysical processes of self-regulation, in order to dissolve physical discomforts and increase body awareness through the Body Mind Movement/Body Mind Movement method. 


Yoga is an Indian meditative practice, which brings the idea that the root "yuj" could mean "to unite" in the sense of "integrate" (physically or mystically) arises possibly from a Vedantine statement that defines yoga as the "union " between Jīvātma and Paramātma, who actually become one. But "yuktam" (which is the past participle of this verb) does not mean "united", but "hitched", "prepared" or "suitable". Some believe that yoga interpreted as "union" in Vedantic circles, is meaningless especially in Advaita Vedanta, where everything is Brahman, the Absolute that encompasses all that exists, so there is no need for "union", because any disunity, separation it is mere illusion (māyā), so there is the discovery of the ever-existing union, the discovery of Brahman in all things, including the individual himself. However, this is not the reality observed at the current evolutionary level of the human race, characterized by individualism and the disconnected way in which human beings feel in relation to their own species and other beings that inhabit planet Earth.

Wing Chun
Body Mind Movement


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